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Mathias Weller

I am a researcher with the Institute for Information Sciences of the French National Science Center

Laboratory of Informatics "Gaspard Monge" (LIGM)
Université Gustave Eiffel (previously called Université Paris EST - Marne-la-Vallée)
Bât Copernic, 5 Bd Descartes
Champs-sur-Marne, 77454 Marne-la-Vallée
Phone: +33 1 60 95 77 49
Room: 4B 105, bâtiment Copernic
For encrypted mails, use my PGP public key (fingerprint 98D5 9418 8AEA 7C23 F535 F63C 2D85 72C3 95F6 6C5B).

My research interests include
  • Parameterized Algorithmics
  • Genome Scaffolding
  • Phylogenetic Networks
  • Structural Parameterization
  • Preprocessing and permissive kernelization concepts
Photo of Mathias Weller


I am involved with the Peer Community In (PCI) Mathematical & Computational Biology (MCB) (see also this easy-to-understand presentation and this PDF addressing criticism)
Organizing Committee of RECOMB-CG 2019
Program Committee of SOFSEM 2020


If not stated otherwise, all software is written by me in C++ and should compile with GCC in any *nix-like environment (including cygwin), see also the included README file. All my projects can also be found on github.
Sudoku A rule-based sudoku solver implementing the "transitive chain analysis" rule.
TransEd A solver for the Transitivity Editing problem.
GCClust A GUI-based solver for the Consensus Clustering problem.
2LP A solver for the Two-Layer Planarization problem (deprecated, update in progress).
EE A solver for the Eulerian Extension problem (written in Java by Georg Hieronimus).
CoilCoater A solver for the Colorful Independent Set problem (written by René v. Bevern).
Status Sequence Analyser A program to reconstruct a caterpillar tree from a given "status"-sequence.
Genome Scaffolder A program to join and overlap preassembled contigs in fasta format into scaffolds using paired end information given as a scaffold graph. Needs CPLEX.


In 2017, I lectured on SCAFFOLDING at the University of Montpellier. [slides]

In 2018 and 2020, I lectured on algorithmic bioinformatics at ENS Cachan.

In 2022, I am lecturing on algorithmic bioinformatics at Université Paris Dauphine. [slides: part 1, part 2] coding project: description, test generator]


See also this self-maintained PDF, my Google Scholar Profile, or this DBLP page.