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RT task creation, periodic execution study


You can ask for a validation of your result during the practicals. A complete report will be ask you as personal work for the validation of the unit.

Exercise 1

Under RTAI, create your first task "Hello World" :
  • Create a periodic task with a period of 1s which print the number of seconds elapsed since its first release. For that, you will start from the template repository which include the files task.c (source file), Makefile (to compile) and run (to load and unload the modules).
  • Look at the development process, visualize the modules, the console output... by using the module gesture commands you've study during lessons.

Exercise 2

Propose a method to obtain a task which generate processor load, i.e. a task which try to complete active operation during a time C. Check out the generated load by printing into the terminal the executions time of your tasks.

Exercise 3

Considering the following task set:

T1 :C=1Period = 4Deadline = 4
T2 :C=2Period = 6Deadline = 6
T3 :C=3Period = 8Deadline = 8

T1 :C=2Period = 7Deadline = 7
T2 :C=2Period = 11Deadline = 11
T3 :C=5Period = 13Deadline = 13
  • Are they schedulable ? with which algorithm ?
  • Execute these task set with the RTAI fixed priority scheduler and the RTAI EDF scheduler. You will have to choose for that a time unit in coherence with the available configuration.
  • Compare the theoretical schedule with what you obtained

Exercise 4 :

You can also try with the other configurations studied during lessons. Now:
  • You can ask a validation for your results
  • prepare the redaction of the report
  • begin practical 2