How to reference your own grammars

If you'd like to share your grammars, just make them be referenced by GraalWeb and follow the few steps below:
  1. define a publishing area on your web site, i.e. the url of the directory that contains your grammar packages; we call it base URL, defining the base directory
  2. create your packages and put them in the base directory (or one of its subdirectories)
  3. publish your packages by listing them in the file pckgdef.txt located in the base directory
  4. That's it!

More details

  1. Define a publishing area

    Register your base URL by sending an email to mconstan (at) The email title should be : "[graalweb] subscribe". The email body should include the following information:

    Example of the email body:
    NAME=Matthieu Constant
    ORGANIZATION=IGM, Marne-la-Vallee, France

    Note: this subscription is moderated. You should be notified of your acceptance in the following days.

  2. Create your grammar packages

    A grammar package is a zip file (e.g. including :

    The XML documentation contains three types of data:

    If XML documentation is not included, your grammar package will not be indexed using the meta-information in the documentation. The GraalWeb index will not contain the information in your documentation.
    The package should be placed in the base directory (or one of its subdirectories), with the HTML documentation and optionaly the XML documentation.

    Important note: the grammar package creation can be made either manually or automatically with the use of the software PckgMaker

  3. Publish your grammar packages

    Finally, you should list your packages in the mandatory file pckgdef.txt located in the base directory. You just need to list the relative path of your packages in the base directory (a package per line)

    For instance, in the example file pckgdef.txt,
    the line indicates that the package is located in the base directory;
    the line subdir/ indicates that the package is located in the subdirectory subdir of the base directory.

    Ease this process by using PckgMaker

That's it ! After the next GraalWeb indexing process, your grammar packages will be referenced by the search engine.